There are a number of stories of recent university grads who can't find work and who have decided to "give Hamilton a try". By that I mean people who are creative, entrepreneurial, ambitious, and want to take advantage of the cheap rents and unsaturated creative sector in Hamilton. Moving to Hamilton to find work (or to make work), for some, is a way of avoiding the over-saturated markets of university grads who can only find jobs paying minimum wage elsewhere. Essentially, this was the approach that I took a year and a half ago when I moved back to Hamilton after being away for 8 years.
Here's an article that popped up in The Spec today about a couple of people who have started up a small business this season. Their mission is to make money building vegetable gardens in peoples' backyards.
I'm excited to see how successful their first season will be. The only other (I think..?) edible landscaping company or social enterprise based off of principles of food security in Hamilton is Backyard Harvest. They are only a few years old. Some people say Hamilton doesn't have the market for these types of smaller businesses. Others say Hamilton is "ripe" (..) with opportunity.
This season will tell.