Sunday, 29 May 2011

Bicycles mean exploration.

I've recently made one of the largest purchases of my life.

While living in this city I've taken the odd road trip up north and have gone on a hand-full of hikes leading me to where the city meets the country-side.  Both have given me a brief fix of nature and silence - two essential components which many of us lack in our urban lives.

Though after living downtown for nearly 8 months I've recently decided that a mere hike to the edge of the city isn't enough.  Living in the most urban setting I've ever lived in has left my 'exploration quota' neglected and time spent away from the city minimal.  Hiking to areas of the city where traffic can still be heard has become barely sufficient - far from refreshing or rejuvenating.

So I bought myself a bicycle.

A touring bicycle.

A friend got me a sweet deal on it so I jumped on the timely opportunity.  Over the past week I've taken it out for a few rides, while yesterday I took it on its first day trip out of the city.  In a few weeks time this new and endless ticket out of town will take me to Lake Erie.  The plan is to prep for a larger bike tour for later on in the summer - anywhere I can get using 100% pedal power.  Care to join?  Any recommendations??
                                                     And summer exploration begins!

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