Although it may be tricky to grow somethings indoors through the winter, herbs and particularly (so we were told) microgreens don't require too much soil nor very much sunlight. Planters that are often used for ornamental plants outside during the summer can easily be brought indoors, extending the season of anything still growing and giving the opportunity for a small winter harvest of whatever you plant.
And it's super easy -- if you live in a house, there are probably a few small planters hiding around somewhere. Whether you live in a rental property, at your parents house or your own home, odds are that somebody (previous tenant, parents, or yourself) at some point used a few of these and hid them in the shed or basement, or beneath the deck.
Ya might as well go find 'em, scrounge up some soil or potting mix, buy some seeds and go to town. You'll have fresh herbs / microgreens while it's freezing outside. Do it.
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