Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The Off Season ... And a bit of blog hiatus (but stay tuned...)

So it's been two months now since work began winding down in the Yukon.  By mid-September the snow started to fall in Beaver Creek, and I left the Yukon on October 1st for coastal BC, Washington and Oregon.

I'll be spending much of the off season putting my energy into a couple other creative projects of mine.  As such, the blog will likely not be as active as it was through the summer (surpassed 350 views for July alone!), though I do hope to keep the blogs' momentum going.  The last year has been a good one, having met some awesome people from diverse communities all over the continent, having learned something from each community.

A few of the most empowering of experiences I've had (and have chosen to write about on here) in the last year have been my posts about mutual aid and relief work in Brooklyn, NY following Hurricane Sandy last November, radical resourcefulness at the Florida Earthskills Gathering last February, and the tales of urban farming and local resilience from the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans last March.  If you have an hour to spare, I highly recommend reading/watching the post about Hurricane Sandy relief.

I hope to attend a primitive skills gathering over the winter, and to do a bit of farm work further south.  I'm unsure how present I'll be on the blog over the winter, but stay tuned. We're just gearin' up.


  1. Im going to stay tuned friend :) Send me the info that you tracked about the planting vs harvest schedule please.

    1. Yes, I still have it. Give me a couple days to pop it into excel and I'll send it over. I hope all is well and warm in the trailer!
